In December of 2009 I spent six days wandering about London, just looking around with my camera.
Look up is spray painted in the corner of a brick wall, for no reason what-so-ever. All that was up was the sky, and maybe some sun. Must be one of those intellectual statements about seeing things differently. Or maybe just to fuck with people. London, England.
There is something eternally beautiful, or maybe distressing, about looking at perfectly photoshopped models living on billboards, next to actual human beings. The unreal versus the real. The ideal versus reality.
Reality always wins. Near Sloane Square, London, England.
There is, without a doubt, no smoking in the New Covent Garden Wholesale market, south of the River Thames, London, England.
On one of the concrete barriers, to keep terrorists out of the Houses of Parliament, is a no walking sign, with the help of a head sticker. London England.
Spray painted on the edge of Westminster Bridge, looking over the River Thames to Big Ben, are the words ‘Come Clean’. Why are those words there? Who or what should come clean? Is it a prank, or a subtle government plot to pick up your litter? In central London, England.
On the northern edge of Regents Park runs one of the canals through London, where someone has to give way to someone else.