Douglas Adams resting at Highgate Cemetery

I don’t know what to say.
I have listened to Mr. Adams read ‘Last Chance to See’ so many times my girlfriend gets annoyed when I quote it verbatim.
My Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books are falling apart because they are my go-to books when my brain hurts.

I planned to stand next to his grave and have a quiet moment, but the snow and the wind and the wet ground put me off.
I have spent so much alone time quietly reading his words, that I realized that it was not necessary to have a quiet moment next to his grave, and it was damn cold.

The grave stone itself is hard to read, it is very subdued, surrounded by all the stone monuments with angels and crosses.

It is gray, and simply says:

Douglas Adams
1952 -2001

To see photographs from Highgate Cemetery and directions to the cemetery click here.

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2 Responses to Douglas Adams resting at Highgate Cemetery

  1. robert says:

    Only 49? I didn’t realize he was that young when he died? Which means he was how old when he wrote HHGG? Late 20s, early 30s?

    I believe I told you this already, but Ricky has read the first two HHGG books; we’re slowly working through the radio series on car trips.


  2. He must have been 25 when the radio show began in 1977. Not bad for a guy to wrote a story because he slept in telephone boxes while traveling around Europe just a few years earlier.

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