Abstract Los Angeles: Faces

Abstract Los Angeles is an on-going collection of photographs taken as I wander about this sprawling metropolis.

Today’s installment is all about created faces; sometimes with spray paint, sometimes with fur, or plaster, or maybe even metal.

At the intersection of two small streets, somewhere on the south side of West Hollywood, or maybe the northern edge of Beverly Grove, there is a smiling face that greets everyone who visits the intersection.

Hiking up the canyon to reach Eaton Canyon Falls, just north of Pasadena, sits a graffiti face, surprisingly unhappy beside a stream.

A bunny, outside a pharmacy/flower shop, ruffled and beaten and matted, with one eye held in by tape. No, I don’t know why it was there. Lake Blvd, Pasadena.

Another bunny, sitting in a window display, probably late, late, for a very important date, but with popping eyes of fear. Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood.

A T-rex, made from metal, hidden behind Hollywood Blvd, attacking clouds, or it’s source of rust, in the Rock City Railroad yard, Hollywood.

At the beginning of the hike to the Tunnels to Nowhere [link] an old water tower is covered with graffiti, and a happy face, in the San Gabriel Mountains.

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