While wandering the streets, especially in foreign lands, I love to watch the people, the way they move, the way they dress, the way they smile, and they way they stand.
This collection is the people of London, taken in early December 2009, as I see them on the street.
Near Piccadilly Circus, at the intersection of Coventry, Haymarket and Great Windmill Streets, sits a fountain.
Motorcyclist attempting to force his way through traffic at the intersection of Coventry, Haymarket and Great Windmill Streets, near Piccadilly Circus.
Checking the photograph, near Piccadilly Circus, at the intersection of Coventry, Haymarket and Great Windmill Streets.
A young lady sits, as a live mannequin, in the window of the Cool Brittania store.
Checking directions, in the wet reflection of advertisements in Piccadilly Circus.
Hiding from the rain in Piccadilly Circus.