Uncategorizable Photo: London Science Museum, WC Exhibition

    Of all the photographs I took in London in December of 2009, there was one that obstinately would not fit in any category.
    In the basement of the London Science Museum is a ‘How Things Work’ exhibit. This is an obviously older exhibit, as most of the items look to be from the 1950’s, but interesting in two ways, that the basic workings are still the same, and how things were put together fifty years ago.

    As I wandered, looking at the vacuum cleaners and radios, there was one moment that caught me off guard, and that was the toilet.
    Not because the toilet was filled with new technology, or because I didn’t already know how a toilet worked, but because someone has a fabulously twisted sense of humor.

[Can’t find it… think of the movie Caddyshack, and the candy Baby Ruth.]

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